Canarian Recipes
The food of the typical meals of the Canarian cuisine

Ropa Vieja - Canarian Recipes
The origin of Ropa Vieja is from the Canary Islands, Spain. Later, Canarian emigrants were responsible for taking this tasty and peculiar dish to Caribbean countries

Canary Sancocho Recipe
It is believed that it came to the Canary Islands from the Peninsula where it was known by the name of "potent pot" and in the Canary Islands it became what is known as Sancocho around the 14th century.

Grilled Cheese Recipe with Canarian Mojos
The origin of this singular and exquisite dish of Canarian cuisine is related to its cheese-making tradition and its culinary habits linked to its ancestral mojos.

Canary Islands Recipes of Red, Green Mojo, Cilantro and Mojo Picón
Do you like mojos from the Canary Islands? The red mojo, the green mojo, the coriander, the picón...? How rich! Well, now we are going to tell you about its history and its recipes so that you can enjoy this simple but succulent Canarian delicacy.

Canarian roasted cuttlefish recipe with mojo
Roasted cuttlefish with coriander mojo is a very healthy and tasty dish from the kitchen of the Canary Islands since the cuttlefish (cuttlefish or cuttlefish) does not contain fat and everyone likes it, go ahead and try it!