Pilot Wales Tenerife
Title: pilot whales Tenerife (Whales Pilots) Format: 88.5 x5, 5 cms. Description: Poster of high quality with which the publisher has wanted to reclaim the care of these cetaceans in the Canary Islands. Place privileged for the sighting of the whale Pilot.
Birds list of the Canary Islands
Title: List of Birds of birds of the Canary Islands Format: 15x21cms. Text: Ornithological Society Canaria, Eduardo Garcia Rey Illustration: Jose Manuel Moreno Features: 30 pages, paperback with staples, book booklet ISBN: 84-95412-14-4 Languages: Spanish, English Description: A "cheklist" very valuable for each island offers an updated list of all species listed. Provide a database, from amateur to professional.
Fauna of the Canary Islands
Title: Fauna of the Canary Islands Format: 21x29, 5 cm. Texts: Jose Manuel Moreno; Illustration: Jose Manuel Moreno Features: Guide identification + map folding (90x62, 5 cm) ISBN: 84-604-3599-7 Languages: Spanish, English, German (in separate folders) Description: The various ecosystems are home to a variety canaries and very interesting wildlife, with a high proportion of endemic species, unique to these islands. Many of them are seriously threatened. Canary collected nearly 600 fish species, 72 birds, 18 reptiles, 38 mammals and seascapes, 2 amphibians and several thousand invertebrates (insects, arachnids, mollusks, crustaceans, etc.. The guide is reproduced all animals the map, with a small comment which indicates mainly distribution in the archipelago. Also included another
Vegetal Life of Gran Canaria
Title: Flora de Gran Canaria Format: 21x29, 5 cm. Texts: Agueda Marrero; illustration: Lucas de Saá Characteristics: A Guide to Identification + map folding (95x64, 5 cm.) ISBN: 84-95412-02-0 Languages: Spanish, English, German. (in separate folders) Description: Few places in the world with an area so small, have a high degree of biodiversity such as Gran Canaria. It houses some 1,219 plant species, of which no fewer than 81 are endemic to the island of the archipelago and 124, a privilege difficult to overcome. This publication aims to raise awareness of the extraordinary wealth of the island. But the fl ora can not exist in isolation from one medium or habitat specific and therefore also describes environments most distinctive and emblematic of Gran Canaria.
Vegetal Life of Tenerife
Title: Flora de Tenerife Format: 21x29, 5 cm. Texts: Lazaro Sanchez Pinto; illustration: Lucas de Saá Design: Jose Manuel Moreno Characteristics: A Guide to Identification + map folding (93.5 x63, 5 cms.) ISBN: 84-920631-4-9 Languages: Spanish, English, German. (in separate folders) Description: The abundance of microclimates and natural habitat is reflected clearly on vegetation island, formed by a rich and varied flora, with over 1,400 species of plants, including many endemic tinerfeños and canaries. With this guide-map is intended to publicize the fl ora de Tenerife, describing the most important species and indicating where they can be observed, resulting, therefore, useful in the tours and excursions around the island.
Vegetal life of Canary Islands
Title: Vegetal life of the Canary Islands Format: 21x29, 5 cm. Texts: Lazaro Sanchez Pinto; illustration: Lucas de Saá Design: Publications Turquoise Features: Guide identifies cation + map folding (93.5 x62, 5 cms.) ISBN: 84-604-8167-0 Languages: Spanish, English, German. (in separate folders) Description: The Canary Islands have an extraordinary wealth floristic that makes them an early biogreográficas regions of the world and the first from Spain, in terms of the number of endemics is concerned. The vascular flora of the archipelago is estimated at more than 2,000 species, of which approximately 650 are endemic. With this guide-map are collected over 100 comments on many other species of plants and canary its main habitats.
The Giant Lizard of El Hierro (pocket edition)
Title.: The giant lizard of El Hierro (pocket edition) Format: 16x23 cm. Text: Miguel Angel Rodriguez Dominguez Photographs: Turquoise, several authors. Characteristics: 79 pages ISBN: 84-95-41240-3 English version (ISBN: 84-95412-60-8) German version (ISBN: 84-95412-61-6) French version (ISBN: 84-95412-62-4) Description: The lizard The Iron Giant is not only a jewel fauna unique in the world: it is a symbol of the struggle for survival, clung to their land, generations of herreños.
Where to Watch Birds in Tenerife
Title: Where to Watch Birds in Tenerife Format: 14x21, 5 cm. Text: King Eduardo Garcia Photographs: Eduardo Garcia King, Peter F. Acosta, Sixto Cozzi, Jose Manuel Moreno, Fernando Cova. Illustration: Jose Manuel Moreno Features: 148 pages, paperback with flap ISBN: 84-95412-07-1 English Version (ISBN: 84-95412-07-1) Description: Where to Watch Birds in Tenerife, offers a selection of more than 67 attractions ornithological, some of whom represent the best areas for observing birds endemic. All sites are described taking into consideration the type of habitat, the best time to visit, access, the correct strategy for observation and bird species. The detailed maps of interest places, graphics and photos complement the information.
Natural Parks on the Canary Islands
NATURAL PARKS ON THE CANARY ISLAND Author: Vacas Sentís, Antonio Pages: 112 | Price: 9,95 euros Lenguages: English Characterisitcs: rústica | Formato: 19,5 x 26 cm SYNOPSIS: This book presents a complete and amazing National Parks of the Canary Islands, including color photographs, drawings and maps.
Aguagarcía Forest
Title: AGUAGARCÍA Forest Format: 14.5 cms x21. Written by Maria del Carmen Brito, Vicente-Lope Lucia Photographs: Several authors Features: 165 pages, paperback with flap ISBN: 84-605-2398-5 Languages: Spanish Description: This guide describes us with scientific rigor and amenity disclosure, the physical environment, vegetation, wildlife, history, and the routes run by the most representative of this interesting mountain, facilitating contact Visitor with the natural environment . The play is a sample of the diversity and unique natural and cultural originality of one of the historical mountains of the Canary archipelago.
The cultivation of Proteas South Africans in the Canaries
Title: The cultivation of Proteas South African in the Canaries. Format: 18 x 22.5 cm Texts: Juan Alberto Rodriguez Perez Pictures: John A. Rodriguez Perez, Jose Manuel Moreno Features: 125 pages. Hardback ISBN: 84-95412-75-6 Languages: Spanish Description: The author recounts across several paragraphs care of cultivating the Proteas. His Botany and ecology; Climate; Soil; Plantation;, Nutrition and fertilization; Irrigation; propagation; Pruning; Control of flowering; control pests and diseases, harvesting and Postcosecha; production of flowers and fucks; Growing Proteas in the world ; Location cultivation in the Canaries.
Canarias Birds
Título: LAS AVES DE CANARIAS Formato: 15x21,5 cms. Title: Birds of Canarias Format: 15x21, 5 cm. Texts: Francisco Perez Padrón Photographs: Various Authors Features: 137 pages, paperback ISBN: 84-95412-25-X Languages: Spanish, English, German Description: The Canary Bird, is a classic ornithology Canary Islands, which has attracted so many hobbies and whose three previous editions, published by the Cabildo, have been exhausted in a short time. This new edition, in addition to updating one of the books most demanded by fans to birds, has been supplemented by increased the photographs.
Tenerife Wildlife
Title: Wildlife Tenerife Format: 21x29, 5 cm. Texts: Jose Manuel Moreno; illustration: Jose Manuel Moreno Design: Publications Turquoise Characteristics: A Guide to Identification + map folding (84x62, 5 cm.) ISBN: 84-605-1031-X Languages: Spanish, English, German (in separate folders) Description: This book provides information fauna of the island of Tenerife, indicating where you can see different species of birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fish, insects, etc..
100 Canary Island Marine Invertebrates
100 Canary Island Marine Invertebrates AUTHOR: Sergio Hanquet Pages: 288 pp. Languages: Multilingual. Edition: 2007. Dimensions: 11,5 x16, 5 Book Summary: This guide is a catalog invertebrdos abbreviated marine fauna of the Canary Islands. Its aim is to list a useful, practical and manageable in a format most common marine invertebrates that we see in the intertidal zone and in the infra-littoral, where they make the dives. Besides the photographs, detailing the morphological characteristics and habits of each species and its possible reaction to the diver. Overview of invertebrates Terms used Identification of species Appendix: Bibliography Index of species (scientific name) Index of species (common names canaries) Index of species (English common names) Index of species (common names German) Index of species (common names French) PRICE: 17,00 Euros
Flora of the Canary Islands. Rueda
Descripción FLORA OF THE CANARY ISLANDS Pocket Guide David & Zoë Bramwell This is a brief pocket guide which includes three hundred Canary plants and a introduction to the palnts communities and vegetation of the islands. This book is a firs attemp to put common names to the plants or deal with their value as ormamental or medicinal subjects. CONTENTS: Introduction. Vegetation of the Canary Islands. The lower zone. The laurel forest zone. The pine forest zone. The high mountain zone. The flora. Index to scientific names. Features ISBN: » 84.7027.103.0 Format: » 21 x 15 cm Pages: » 223 Ilustraciones: » 320 fotos en color Text: » Inglés Binding: » Rústica Editions: Spanish / English / German / French
Medicinal Plants of the Canary Islands
Description Plantas Medicinales de las Islas Canarias David Bramwell Features ISBN: » 84.7207.171.5 Format: » 23,5 x 16,5 cm Pages: » 158 Illustrations: » 200 en color Text: » Spanish Binding: » Rústica
The Giant Lizard of Hierro
Title: The Giant Lizard of Hierro Format: 24x30 cm. Text: Miguel Angel Rodriguez, Carolina Castillo, Sixto Sanchez, Juan Jesus Coello Photographs: Diego L. Sanchez, Jose Benito Ruiz, Jose Manuel Moreno, Miguel Angel Rodriguez, Sixto Cozzi, Antonio Machado, others. Features: 320 pages, paperback with flap ISBN: 84-95412-12 Languages: Spanish Description: The giant lizard of Hierro, jewel of biodiversity Canary Islands, is now inextricable part of the identity of the smallest island in the archipelago. For many years it was considered extinct, having disappeared from the only known population of Roque de Salmor. However, in 1975 was rediscovered in the drain Gorreta. Currently, this endemism herreño, pretéritos relic of times, and one of the most rare and endangered reptiles in the world, enjoys the highest level of protection.
Nature of the Canary Islands
Title: Nature of the Canary Islands Format: 24x29 cm. Leadership and coordination: Jose Maria Fernandez-Palacios, Jose L. Martin Esquivel Texts: 72 authors of prestige; Photographs: Several authors Features: 256 pages, Hardback ISBN: 84-95412-18-7 Languages: Spanish Description: A work of 53 chapters by 72 authors of prestige, who can see, with the most current data, the volcanic origin, climate, biodiversity, ecosystems, endangered species, alternative energy, pollution, agriculture, fisheries, protected natural areas, etc.. Canary Islands.
Tenerife, Magic in the Atlantic
Title: Tenerife, Magia en el Atlantico Format: 26.5 cms x28. Photographs: Jose Manuel Moreno; Text: Gilberto German Features: 108 pages, soft cover. ISBN: 84-95412-21-7 Languages: Multilingual English + German + Spanish Description: The beauty of Tenerife, ensalzada since the time of romantic travelers, has become one of the islands most sought after and visited Europe. Its 2036 km2 deployed unusual landscapes, some very fascinating and surprising as the Teide National Park, Teno and Anaga. This book travels photographically trought Tenerife.
Volcanoes of Canary Islands
Description VOLCANOES OF ISLANDS Geological guide and directions Francisco Anguita / Alvaro Marquez Peter Castiñeiras / Francisco Hernan To pretend that this guide contains the solution to all issues would be presumptuous exorbitant, first because scientists are still debating the most basic of them. Why the Canaries? But it is also true that it has shunned any problems. The outline of the book is simple: the first chapter explains what a volcano, and why was where it does: in the second presents the archipelago in general, and discusses their origin: and then devotes a chapter to each island proposing in each itineraries that we believed most diverse and interesting. CONTENTS: Prologue. Index .1.Los volcanoes. 2.The Canary Islands: A museum of volcanoes. 3.Lanzarote, fuego.Itinerarios Island. 4.Fuerteventura: The Secret of orígenes.Itínerarios. 5. Gran Canaria, perdidos.Itinerarios volcanoes. 6.Tenerife: The Great Pyramid. Routes. 7.La Gomera: Roque asleep on the island. Routes. 8.La Palma: under volcán.Itinerarios. 9 Iron: A balcony on the Atlántico.Itinerarios. Bibliographies. Features: ISBN: "84.7207.132.4 Format: "21.5 x 16.5 cm Pages: »240 Illustrations: "255 in color Text: "Spanish Binding: »Paperback
El Teide, World Heritage
Title: El Teide, World Heritage Format: 26 x 23.5 cm Texts: Jose Manuel Moreno Photographs: Jose Manuel Moreno Features: 207 pages. Hardback ISBN: 84-95412225-0 Languages: Multilingual Spanish + English + German Description: One of the most sublime of Nature, where all its vast resources join to offer a great and supreme: the Teide mountain, World Heritage. This book contains the most beautiful and impressive photographs of this National Park with a few carefully selected texts. The purpose is to reflect that state of intimate emotion that produces such a deployment of shapes, textures and colors that has evolved magmas giving the Teide a single magic.
Canarias Wildlife, Secrets of Evolution
Title: Wildlife Canaria, Secrets of evolution Format: 28x27 cm. Texts: Juan Jose Bacall, Alberto Brito, Antonio Machado, Jose Manuel Moreno, Concepcion Valdivia, Guillermo Delgado, Leopoldo Moro, Jesus M. Falcon, Pedro Pascual, Natacha Aguilar. Photographs: Sunday Trujillo, Jose Juan Hernandez, Jesus Palmero, Nicolas Trujillo, Jose Manuel Moreno, Carlos Minguella, Diego L. Sanchez, Alexander D. Toledo, others. Características.-176 pages, Hardback ISBN: 84-95412-20-9 Languages: Spanish Description: Few places in the world offer a variety biological so exceptional as the Canary archipelago. No less than 17,000 species, of which 11,000 relate to the protagonists of this book "animals". Photographs of these pages run small details that we move to the tranquillity of our countryside. The beautiful song of a finch, the murmur of a dove Turkey, the flight of a butterfly, the eyes of captive fish, or exciting encounter a dolphin, are scenes from the life that hopefully not surprise us never stop.
La Gomera, the Walkers Paradise
Title: "La Gomera, the Walkers Paradise" Format: 27.5 x 28.5 cm Texts Introduction: Jose Alberto safe Photographs: Jose Manuel Moreno Feet Photo: Jose Manuel Moreno Features: 215 pages. Hardback ISBN: 84-95412-28-4 Languages: Multiligual Spanish, English and German Description: The purpose of this book is to teach La Gomera as it appear to Gomera, where, in addition to collecting the astonishing landscapes, were all small hamlets, ancestral traditions, customs, nature… ultimately, a tour of an island quiet and seductive that dazzles anyone who visits.
Tenerife, Canary Islands
TENERIFE ISLAS CANARIAS - CANARY ISLANDS - KANARISCHE INSELN MORENO, JOSE MANUEL TURQUESA ISBN: 978-84-926480-0-9 EAN: 9788492648009 239 pages Lenguages: Multilingual Spanish + English + German
Nocturnal Nature of the Canary Islands
Title: Nocturnal Nature of the Canary Islands SUBJECTS: Photography EDITORIAL: Turquoise Editions COLLECTION: TURQUESA ED./ SOC.COSMOLOGICA CAN ISLANDS. COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Spain PUBLICATION LANGUAGE: Spanish ORIGINAL LANGUAGE: Spanish ISBN: 978-84-95412-19-5 EAN: 9788495412195 DIMENSIONS: 30 x 27 mm. WEIGHT: 900 grams NUMBER OF PAGES: 168 The author of NATURALEZA NOCTURNA, with isbn 978-84-95412-19-5, is José Benito Ruiz Limiñana, this publication has one hundred and sixty-eight pages. The work Naturaleza Nocturna is part of the catalog of Publicaciones Turquesa, S.l.. At the beginning of the 1990s, this publishing house began its journey and is currently in the Canary Islands. Turquoise Publications, S.l. It has more than 200 catalog publications. Posters, Nature, Tourist Maps, Travel Guides and Photographs are the specialties of this editorial. The editorial fund of Publicaciones Turquesa, S.l. It is distributed in collections such as Actualidad, Canarias, Humor and Música. Karin Skinorr Dourrien, Domingo Salvador Moreno Moreno, José Manuel Moreno, José Antonio González Pérez, Pieter Van Arkel...
El Teide, National Park
Title: El Teide, National Park Format: 28x29, 5 cm. Texts: Antonio Machado Photographs: Jose Manuel Moreno, Diego L. Sanchez, Juan A. Perez Giralda. Features: 256 pages, Hardback. ISBN: 84-95412-63-2 Languages: Spanish, English, German Description: Few places in the world have as broad a sampling of volcanic structures as the Teide National Park. A landscape where volcanoes, rivers of petrified lava, rocks and craters of calcined capricious ways extasían the senses.
Mar Atlante. Canary Islands
Atlante Sea by Sergio Hanquet Canary Islands. Theme: Fauna Marina Editorial: Author Ed (2002) Language: Multilingual (English - Spanish - German) ISBN 84 932195 25 Pages: 168 Dimensions: 28 x 26.5 SYNOPSIS: Mar Atlante, Canary Islands, originated from the collaboration of two men love the sea. Sergio Hanquet, photographer, naturalist, and Angel Vallecillo, a writer, have joined forces to create a book that breathes purity and freedom. Its pages immerse us in an artistic journey of beauty, inviting the reader to relive their most primitive emotions with water: the light and fear, life, silence ... A defense of the ocean not as a mere natural wealth, but as a living being to be observed to know ourselves better. CONTENTS OF THE BOOK: Introduction. TIME. Creation. LIFE. Case ecologist. SPACES. In praise of simplicity. LIGHT. The sea is a party. FEAR. The Stranger. DREAMS. Female. SILENCE. The Museum of the Oceans. CLOSING. Spirit of a photographer. Singing the sea. Sergio Hanquet 2002 ISBN 84 932195 25
Canarias, National Parks
Title: Canarias, National Parks Format: 28x29, 5 cm. Texts: Juan Jose Bacall. Photographs: Jose Manuel Moreno, Fernando Cova, Diego L. Sanchez, others. Features: 192 pages, Hardback ISBN: 84-95412055 Languages: Spanish, English, German Description: Canary Islands is a privileged place, a territory of exceptional biodiversity and landscape. Its rugged topography and climate variety, have become a natural paradise with a diversity of flora and fauna really surprising. But in an area so finite and fragile effective actions are necessary conservationists. In this regard, the National Parks of the Canary Islands, Teide, Timanfaya, Garajonay and Caldera de Taburiente, are a clear example of conservation, the highest level of protection that may achieve these extraordinary places.
La Gomera Magic Island Book. Poldo Cebrian
La Gomera Magic Island. Poldo Cebrian Unique unit, sold out editions 3rd Edition 2002 Hardcover editorial cloth and dust jacket. Measurements: 32x24. 107 pages Highly illustrated with color photographs. Condition: NEW, unique collection unit.
Garajonay, The Canary Islands Jungle
Title: Garajonay, La Selva de Canarias Format: 28x29,5 cm. Texts: Angel B. Fernandez Photographs: Jose Manuel Moreno Features: 248 pages, Hardback ISBN: 84-95412233 Languages: Multilingual Spanish + English + German Description: La Gomera in hiding inside a genuine relic of the Tertiary, "the Laurissilva", the emblematic hero stellar Garajonay National Park, created in 1981 and declared a World Heritage Site in 1986, in order to combine conservation natural values of sustainable development on the island.
Teide National Park, Miradas, world heritage
Title: Teide National Park, Miradas, world heritage PUBLISHER: TURQUOISE EDITIONS COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Spain PUBLICATION LANGUAGE: Spanish ORIGINAL LANGUAGE: Spanish ISBN: 978-84-92648-95-5 EAN: 9788492648955 The book is presented under the title "Teide National Park - World Heritage - Miradas" and is sponsored by the Government of the Canary Islands, the Cabildo de Tenerife, the City Council of La Orotava, and sponsored by the Teide Cable Car, with the collaboration of the National Park itself. It collects the photographic works made by three friends of nature, inveterate hikers and travellers, and above all, great photographers such as Damián Borges, Manuel Fuentes and Julio González. They have wanted to transmit their particular views to a natural space as emblematic as the Teide National Park, a reference for all Canarians and for all the people who visit it.
Canary Islands in Images Book
Book Canary Islands in Images The Visual Encyclopedia of the archipelago VV. AA. Editorial: CENTER OF CANARIAN POPULAR CULTURE Year of publication: 2002 -1st Edition Canary Islands Subject: Geography, Flora and vegetation, Fauna, History, Canary Islands and America, Art, Literature, Gastronomy, Traditions, Festivals, Sportsm... ISBN: 978-84-7926-421-7 Pages: 432 Binding: Cardboard Measurements: 29.7x23 cm Condition: NEW, unique collector unit.
Book Caldera de Taburiente National Park. Visit Guide
Book Caldera de Taburiente National Park. Visit Guide. Unique collector's book. New with publisher's shrink seal. Sold out edition. ANGEL (COORD.) PALOMARES MARTINEZ 9788480147576 Synopsis of CALDERA DE TABURIENTE NATIONAL PARK. VISIT GUIDE VERY COMPLETE GUIDE. 327 pages Generously ILLUSTRATED with color photographs (landscapes, locations, architecture, trees, flowers, fauna, etc.) and numerous color maps of HIKING ROUTES, including a perspective map with the routes. Includes a DROP-OUT MAP of the Island of La Palma with extensive information (hostels and refuges, unique landscapes, gas stations, information points, recreational areas, camping areas, beaches, etc.) + several drop-down pages with FAUNA and FLORA (identification drawings, color). Also extensive information about places of interest. TOUR GUIDE OF THE NATIONAL PARK. 13 x 21 cm. NEW with shrink wrap from the publisher The Caldera of Taburiente La Palma. Unique piece of collection
Book Under the Blue Underwater Fauna of the Canary Islands
Book Under the Blue Underwater Fauna of the Canary Islands Unique, very limited edition Year: 1995 Data sheet: Condition: New Unique edition limited to hundreds of units in 1995 Hard covers and covers Pages: 240 Measurements: 25x29 cm ISBN: 978-84-605-4063-2 EAN: 9788460540632 Publisher: Unión Eléctrica de Canarias, S.A. (Canary Islands) Author: Herrero Massieu, Rafael Format: Cardboard Country of publication: Spain Publication language: Spanish