Guava Jam Extra Canary Isla Bonita 260g

- 3.50 €
- Brand: Isla Bonita
- Reference: 1306881731350718
- Availability: In Stock
Pure Fresh Canary Guava Jam
with 75% of fresh fruit, (195 grams of Guava pulp in each container).
Extra Canary Guava Jam 260g
The Guava of the Canary Islands is highly valued for its great quality and flavor, sweet and fruity, which, combined with the many benefits it brings to health, make it one of the richest and healthiest foods for our health. With our extra homemade jams and without preservatives, you will enjoy the best dining experience of Guava de Canarias..
Format: 260 g
ISLA BONITA produces its famous exotic jams of Canarian Mango, Canary Banana, Indian Tuno, Orange Papaya, Aloe Vera, ... as well as its rich Mojos, among which the Mojo Palmero with Almonds both in mojo picón as in mild red mojo and green mojo. The pure juice of Tuno Indio 98% pure from Isla Bonita de Canarias, known colloquially as cactus, fuchsia in color and with very long spikes that identify it from the rest of tunos, has surprising nutritional qualities that certify it as a superfood.
Isla Bonita was born as a response to the need to recover and perpetuate the culinary tradition of our beloved Canary Islands, for this purpose we recover the old recipes and working methods of our ancestors and adapt them to the new times. Little by little we have been enriching our offer by adding more and more products, treating each and every one of them as if they were pieces of art, all the fruits are harvested locally and selected one by one manually and in the processes of elaboration of each of the products that we offer, we put the same effort and enthusiasm so that whoever tastes them feels transported to the sunny and magical Canary Islands, a land not only of sun and beaches but of a great and more than rooted culinary tradition that fortunately transcends the new generations of artisans of good food.