Aloe Penca Zabila
Penca Zabila has the most modern factory in Europe for Aloe Vera processing and has the most advanced industrial technology at their disposition. Among other advantages it has exclusive access to a tunnel for continuous Cold Processing without AIR throughout all production cycles, which allows obtain fresh pure Aloe Vera free of bacteria and without contact with AIR, for a unique worldwide quality.
Results for Aloe Penca Zabila
Aloe Vera Juice Penca Zabila Juice 250ml 99,7%
Pure Aloe Vera Juice 250 ml Canarian Fresh Pure Aloe Vera Juice Net content: 250 ml Pure Aloe Vera: 99.7% Fresh Aloe Leaves: 675 grams inside Aloe without Air: Integral Processing Cold Airless Tunnel Maximum Active Principles: 2884 ppm · 23,3% Acemannan * Health Food Registration: nº 21.25696 / TF HDPE2 Bottle High Food Safety and preservation features 100% reciclable
Pure Aloe Vera Juice + Tuno Prickly Pear 250ml
Aloe Vera + Canarian Tuno Prickly Pear 99.7% | 250 ml Pure, Fresh and Natural Aloe Vera + Tuno Indio Prickly Pear Pure Juice from the Canary Islands Exclusively derived from fresh pulp of premium aloe vera leaves and Tuno Indio Prickly Pear. A unique fusion of two of the most powerful essences of nature for your health: ALOE VERA + TUNO INDIO PICKLE PEAR, pure nature from Canary Islands created exclusively by Penca Zábila for you. Net Content: 250 ml Real purity: 99.7% Leaf content per container: 1.35 Kg of fresh aloe leaves Aloe without air: Fully processed in an airless cold tunnel Maximum Active Aloe Ingredients: 2884 ppm and 23.3% Acemannan* HDPE 2 Multilayer packaging for maximum safety and quality to preserve the qualities of Aloe intact until the end of its consumption. with 6-hole shutter dispenser and 100% recyclable Origin: 100% Aloe Barbadensis Miller and Canary Island Indian Prickly Pear Production: 100% made in the Canary Islands Health Food Registration: No. 21.25696/TF Not Pasteurized · No Dehydrated · No Freeze-Dried · No Added Water · No Flavorings · No Colorings · No Acrylamides · No Danthrones · No Hemodina · No Aloin · No Pesticides
Aloe Vera pure Juice + Palm Honey Penca Zabila 250ml
Aloe Vera Juice + Palm Honey 250ml: Pure, Fresh and Natural Aloe Vera from the Canary Islands + La Gomera Palm Honey Pure nature from the Canary Islands created exclusively by Penca Zábila ® Exclusively from fresh pulp of premium aloe vera leaves from the Canary Islands and sap Palm Honey from Phoenix Canariensis Palm Tree from La Gomera Net Content: 250 ml Real Aloe purity: 99.7% Aloe leaf content per container: 675 g. of fresh aloe leaves from the Canary Islands Aloe Without Air: Comprehensive processing in a Cold Tunnel Without Air Maximum Active Ingredients: 2884 ppm and 23.3% Acemannan* Multilayer HDPE2 bottle for maximum safety and conservation with 1-hole shutter valve and 100% recyclable Origin: 100% Aloe Barbadensis Miller + Canary Palm Honey Elaboration: 100% made in Canary Islands Health Food Registry: nº 21.25696/TF Not Pasteurized · No Dehydrated · No Freeze-Dried · No Added Water · No Flavorings · No Colorings · No Acrylamides · No Danthrones · No Hemodin · No Aloin (UE norm: Aloiina A+B < 1 p.p.m.)
Aloe Vera Gel Penca Zabila 250ml 99,7%
Aloe Vera Natural Gel 250 ml Pure, Fresh and Natural Aloe Vera from the Canary Islands, exclusively from fresh pulp of premium aloe vera leaves. Net content: 250 ml Pure Aloe Vera Gel: 99.7% Fresh Aloe content: 675g. of fresh aloe leaves Aloe Without Air: Integral processing in Air-Free Cold Tunnel Maximum Active Principles: 2884 ppm · 23.3% Acemannane No Dehydrated Powders · No Parabens · No Carbomers · No Silicones · No Perfumes · No Powders or Dyes · Not Pasteurized · No Acrylamides · NO ALOIN Bottle HDPE 2, High Food Safety. 1 hole doser
Aloe Vera Pure Juice Penca Zabila Juice 500ml 99,7%
Pure Aloe Vera Juice 500 ml Canarian Fresh Pure Aloe Vera Juice Net content: 500 ml Pure Aloe Vera: 99.7% Fresh Aloe Leaves: 1.35 kg. inside Aloe without Air: Integral Processing Cold Airless Tunnel Maximum Active Principles: 2884 ppm · 23,3% Acemannan * Health Food Registration: nº 21.25696 / TF HDPE2 Bottle High Food Safety and preservation features 100% reciclable
Pure Aloe Vera Juice + Tuno Prickly Pear Penca Zabila 500ml
Aloe Vera + Canarian Tuno Prickly Pear 99.7% | 500 ml Pure, Fresh and Natural Aloe Vera + Tuno Indio Prickly Pear Pure Juice from the Canary Islands Exclusively derived from fresh pulp of premium aloe vera leaves and Tuno Indio Prickly Pear. A unique fusion of two of the most powerful essences of nature for your health: ALOE VERA + TUNO INDIO PICKLE PEAR, pure nature from Canary Islands created exclusively by Penca Zábila for you. Net Content: 500 ml Real purity: 99.7% Leaf content per container: 1.35 Kg of fresh aloe leaves Aloe without air: Fully processed in an airless cold tunnel Maximum Active Aloe Ingredients: 2884 ppm and 23.3% Acemannan* HDPE 2 Multilayer packaging for maximum safety and quality to preserve the qualities of Aloe intact until the end of its consumption. with 6-hole shutter dispenser and 100% recyclable Origin: 100% Aloe Barbadensis Miller and Canary Island Indian Prickly Pear Production: 100% made in the Canary Islands Health Food Registration: No. 21.25696/TF Not Pasteurized · No Dehydrated · No Freeze-Dried · No Added Water · No Flavorings · No Colorings · No Acrylamides · No Danthrones · No Hemodina · No Aloin · No Pesticides
Aloe Vera pure Juice + Palm Honey Penca Zabila 5050ml
Aloe Vera Juice + Palm Honey 500ml: Pure, Fresh and Natural Aloe Vera from the Canary Islands + La Gomera Palm Honey Pure nature from the Canary Islands created exclusively by Penca Zábila ® Exclusively from fresh pulp of premium aloe vera leaves from the Canary Islands and sap Palm Honey from Phoenix Canariensis Palm Tree from La Gomera Net Content: 500 ml Real Aloe purity: 99.7% Aloe leaf content per container: 1,35 Kg. of fresh aloe leaves from the Canary Islands Aloe Without Air: Comprehensive processing in a Cold Tunnel Without Air Maximum Active Ingredients: 2884 ppm and 23.3% Acemannan* Multilayer HDPE2 bottle for maximum safety and conservation and 100% recyclable Origin: 100% Aloe Barbadensis Miller + Canary Palm Honey Elaboration: 100% made in Canary Islands Health Food Registry: nº 21.25696/TF Not Pasteurized · No Dehydrated · No Freeze-Dried · No Added Water · No Flavorings · No Colorings · No Acrylamides · No Danthrones · No Hemodin · No Aloin (UE norm: Aloiina A+B < 1 p.p.m.)
Pure Aloe Vera Gel Penca Zabila 500ml 99,7%
Aloe Vera Natural Gel | 500 ml Pure, Fresh and Natural Aloe Vera from the Canary Islands, exclusively from fresh pulp of premium aloe vera leaves. Net content: 500 ml Pure Aloe Vera Gel: 99.7% Fresh Aloe content: 1. 35 Kg. of fresh aloe leaves Aloe Without Air: Integral processing in Air-Free Cold Tunnel Maximum Active Principles: 2884 ppm · 23.3% Acemannane Bottle HDPE 2, High Food Safety. 100% reciclable No Dehydrated Powders · No Parabens · No Carbomers · No Silicones · No Perfumes · Not Pasteurized · No Acrylamides · No Dantrone · No Emodin · NO ALOIN
Aloe Vera Plant Live Penca Zabila 3 yo
ALOE VERA LIVE ECOLOGIC PLANT 3 years old. The Best Aloe Vera in the World according to the German scientist Spectral laboratory in Cologne Barbadensis. Canariensis subspecies native to the Canary Islands.
Aloe Vera Gel Penca Zabila 300 ml 99,7%
Aloe Vera Gel 300 ml Net content: 300 ml Pure Aloe Vera Gel: 99.7% Fresh Aloe content: 810 grams of fresh leaves Aloe Without Air: Integral processing in Air-Free Cold Tunnel Ecological Cultivation Certified Maximum Active Principles: 2884 ppm · 23.3% Acemannane Airless valve and Anti-drip dispenser
Aloe Vera Penca Zabila Juice + Palm Honey 300 ml
Jugo Aloe Vera 99.7% + Miel Palma 300 ml: Contenido Neto: 300 ml. Jugo Aloe 99.7% + Miel Palma: 99,7%. Hojas Aloe Frescas: 810g. Aloe Sin Aire: Proceso integral en Túnel de Frío Sin Aire Aloe Ecológico Máximos Principios Activos: 2884 ppm de Acemanano Registro Sanitario Alimentos: nº 21.25696/TF Envase vávula antigoteo dosificadora AIRLESS
Aloe Vera Juice + Red Cactus 300 ml
Aloe Vera 99,7% + Tuno Indio Cristal 300 ml: Contenido: 300 ml. Jugo Aloe + Jugo Tuno Indio: 99,7% Hojas y Fruto Fresco: 810 g. Aloe Sin Aire: Proceso integral en Túnel de Frío Sin Aire Aloe Ecológico: CRAE 1928F Máximos Principios: 2884 ppm de Acemanano Registro Sanitario Alimentos: nº 21.25696/TF Envase AIRLESS valvula dosificadora antigoteo. Jugo Aloe Vera + Tuno Indio 300 ml: Jugo Aloe + Tuno Puro: 99,7% de contenido total del envase. Solo 0,3% de conservantes, a tan sólo 3 décimas de la naturaleza. Jugo Aloe Fresco: Elaborado con 1310 gramos de hojas de Aloe Frescas canarias Barbadensis Miller Canariensis y frutos de Tuno frescos.. Aloe Sin Aire: Procesado integral en Túnel de Frío Sin Aire (Tecnología exclusiva mundial Penca Zábila ®) Aloe sin contaminación, ni oxidación, único en el mundo. Aloe Ecológico: Cultivo 100% Ecológico certificado CRAE 1928F. Industria Ecológica: CRAE 1929I Máximos Principios Activos 1: 2884 ppm de Acemanano. Mejor Aloe del Mundo · Laboratorio Spectral de Kölhn en Alemania. Máximos Principios Activos 2: 23,3% de Acemanano del total de sólidos · Centro Atlántico del Medicamento. Registro Sanitario Alimentos: nº 21.25696/TF. Contenido neto: 300 ml Dimensiones: 9 x 5 x 18 cm. Caducidad: 18 meses desde envasado. Una vez abierto consumir en 3 meses. Envase con Dosificador Antigoteo. Envase AIRLESS con Válvula hermética de Silicona: Impide la entrada de Aire y preserva íntegras las cualidades del Aloe hasta el final de su consumo. Ingredientes activos 99,7%: Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller Canariensis e Higo Tinto Indio Canario Opuntia Dillenii y conservantes el restante 0,3% conteniendo: Vitamina C, Vitamina E, acido cítrico natural, sorbato potásico y meta bisulfito potásico.
Aloe Vera Juice Penca Zabila Crystal 0,5 Liter 99,7%
Fresh Pure Aloe Vera Juice Glass 1/2 Liter Aloe Vera Pure Fresh Juice Content: 500 ml Pure Aloe Vera: 99.7% Fresh Aloe Leaves: 2.7 Kg. leaves per liter Aloe without Air: Integral Processing Cold Airless Tunnel Ecological Cultivation Maximum Active Principles: 2884 ppm · 23,3% Acemannane Health Food Registration: nº 21.25696 / TF No dehydrated powders, No Pasteurized, No Flavors, No Water Added, No Aloin
Aloe Penca Zabila ALOE + Canary TUNO Juice Crystal - 0,5 Liters - 99,7%
JUGO ALOE VERA 99,7% y TUNO INDIO CANARIO JUGO PURO ECOLÓGICO DE ALOE VERA 99.7% y TUNO INDIO CANARIO de Cultivo, proceso y composición ecológica bajo control biológico integral. Procesado en Frío Sin Aire (Tecnología exclusiva Penca Zabila ®). Registro Sanitario: 21.25696/TF. Una Fusión Única en el Mundo de dos de las más potentes esencias de la naturaleza para tu salud. Naturaleza en estado puro de Canarias creada en exclusiva por Penca Zábila ® INGREDIENTES: Ingredientes activos 99,7%: Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller Canariensis e Higo Tinto Indio Canario Opuntia Dillenii Conservantes 0,3%: sorbato potásico, ácido cítrico natural, metabisulfito potásico, Vitamina E, y Vitamina C. USOS TRADICIONALES: TUNO INDIO: Reduce las transaminasas (Hepatitis) | Disminuye los azúcares en sangre (Diabetes) | Ictericia | Afecciones Traqueobronquiales | Alto valor nutritivo | Coordinación motora ALOE VERA: Gastritis | Úlcera | Cólon irritable | Colesterol | Diabetes | Sistema Inmunológico | Colitis | Infecciones de Riñón | Hepatitis | Artrosis | Artritis | Antienvejecimiento celular | Regenerador Tejidos | Afecciones de la Boca | Tracto Urinario y Próstata |Alto valor nutricional y Depurativo. Penca Zabila ® marca registrada. Nuestro Mejor Aloe en Botellas de Cristal Ahumado Negro Sin Aire de 500 ml ESTUDIOS FARMACOLOGICOS Y TOXICOLOGICOS DE UN EXTRACTO ACUOSO DE FRUTOS DE OPUNTIA DILLENII Autor: Loro Ferrer, Juan Francisco. Universidad: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Centro de lectura: Ciencias Médicas y de la Salud. Centro de realización: Ciencias Clínicas Los frutos de Opuntia Dillenii Haw (Cactaceae) se utilizan ampliamente en la medicina tradicional de las Islas Canarias como remedio empírico de diversas afecciones. El presente estudio científico estudia los efectos farmacológicos de un extracto obtenido de los frutos de Opuntia Dellenii. Los resultados obtenidos del estudio farmacológico concluyen que el consumo del extracto del fruto Opuntia Dellenii: REDUCE DE FORMA SIGNIFICATIVA LOS VALORES DE TRANSAMINASAS (GOT Y GPT) PROVOCA DISMINUCION DE LA GLUCEMIA POSEE EFECTO ANALGESICO FAVORECE LA COORDINACION MOTORA REDUCE DE FORMA IMPORTANTE LA MOTILIDAD INTESTINAL ES UTIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE AFECCIONES TRAQUEOBRONQUIALES Con Doble Certificación Ecológica y Control Biológico Permanente: ü Control Biológico: Procesos de cultivo y producción controlados por Biólogo, garantizando que siempre existen las mejores condiciones Biológicas de las plantaciones y de todos los procesos hasta el envasado final. ü Cultivos 100% Ecológicos: El Aloe Penca Zábila es Aloe 100% Ecológico con certificado CRAE 1928 f ü Procesos 100% Ecológicos: Los productos Penca Zábila se elaboran estrictamente bajo normativa y composición ecológica según certificado CRAE 1929 i ü Certificaciones en Laboratorio: Cada producción es sometida a exhaustivas pruebas científicas ejecutadas en laboratorios independientes para certificar los máximos requerimientos de seguridad y calidad Modo de uso: Para el uso interno se recomienda consumir 20 ml dos veces al día, en ayunas y antes de dormir, en estado puro.
Aloe Penca Zabila Juice ALOE + PALM HONEY Bio - 0,5 Liters - 99,7%
ALOE VERA y MIEL de PALMA GOMERA JUGO PURO ECOLÓGICO DE ALOE VERA 99.7% y MIEL DE PALMA GOMERA de Cultivo, proceso y composición ecológica bajo control biológico integral. Procesado en Frío Sin Aire (Tecnología exclusiva Penca Zabila ®). Registro Sanitario: 21.25696/TF Una combinación del Mejor Aloe del Mundo con el Sabor y la Fuerza de la Miel de Palma Gomera. Naturaleza en estado puro de Canarias creada en exclusiva por Penca Zábila ® INGREDIENTES: Ingredientes activos 99,7%: Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller Canariensis y Savia de la Palmera Canaria *Phoenix Canariensis*. Conservantes 0,3%: sorbato potásico, ácido cítrico natural, metabisulfito potásico, Vitamina E, Vitamina E USOS TRADICIONALES: MIEL DE PALMA GOMERA: Reconstituyente | Fatigas Musculares | Obesidad por retención de líquidos | Reumatismo crónico | Artrosis | Afecciones Pulmonares | Alto Valor Nutricional. ALOE VERA: Gastritis | Úlcera | Cólon irritable | Colesterol | Diabetes | Sistema Inmunológico | Colitis | Infecciones de Riñón | Hepatitis | Artrosis | Artritis | Antienvejecimiento celular | Regenerador Tejidos | Afecciones de la Boca | Tracto Urinario y Próstata |Alto valor nutricional y Depurativo. Nuestro Mejor Aloe en Botellas de Cristal Ahumado Negro Sin Aire de 500 ml. Penca Zabila ® marca registrada. Control Biológico Permanente: Control Biológico: Procesos de cultivo y producción controlados por Biólogo, garantizando que siempre existen las mejores condiciones Biológicas de las plantaciones y de todos los procesos hasta el envasado final. Cultivos Ecológicos: El Aloe Penca Zábila proviene exclusivamente de cultivos de Aloe 100% Ecológico. Certificaciones en Laboratorio: Cada producción es sometida a exhaustivas pruebas científicas ejecutadas en laboratorios independientes para certificar los máximos requerimientos de seguridad y calidad Modo de uso: Para el uso interno se recomienda consumir 20 ml dos veces al día, en ayunas al despertar y en la noche al acostarse.
Pure Aloe Vera Juice + Tuno Prickly Pear Penca Zabila 1 Liter
Aloe Vera + Canarian Tuno Prickly Pear 99.7% | 1000 ml Pure, Fresh and Natural Aloe Vera + Tuno Indio Prickly Pear Pure Juice from the Canary Islands Exclusively derived from fresh pulp of premium aloe vera leaves and Tuno Indio Prickly Pear. A unique fusion of two of the most powerful essences of nature for your health: ALOE VERA + TUNO INDIO PICKLE PEAR, pure nature from Canary Islands created exclusively by Penca Zábila for you. Net Content: 1 Liter Real purity: 99.7% Leaf content per container: 2.7 Kg of fresh aloe leaves Aloe without air: Fully processed in an airless cold tunnel Maximum Active Aloe Ingredients: 2884 ppm and 23.3% Acemannan* HDPE 2 Multilayer packaging for maximum safety and quality to preserve the qualities of Aloe intact until the end of its consumption. with 6-hole shutter dispenser and 100% recyclable Origin: 100% Aloe Barbadensis Miller and Canary Island Indian Prickly Pear Production: 100% made in the Canary Islands Health Food Registration: No. 21.25696/TF Not Pasteurized · No Dehydrated · No Freeze-Dried · No Added Water · No Flavorings · No Colorings · No Acrylamides · No Danthrones · No Hemodina · No Aloin · No Pesticides
Aloe Vera pure Juice + Palm Honey Penca Zabila 1 Liter
Aloe Vera Juice + Palm Honey 1 Liter: Pure, Fresh and Natural Aloe Vera from the Canary Islands + La Gomera Palm Honey Pure nature from the Canary Islands created exclusively by Penca Zábila ® Exclusively from fresh pulp of premium aloe vera leaves from the Canary Islands and sap Palm Honey from Phoenix Canariensis Palm Tree from La Gomera Net Content: 1000 ml Real Aloe purity: 99.7% Aloe leaf content per container: 2,7 Kg. of fresh aloe leaves from the Canary Islands Aloe Without Air: Comprehensive processing in a Cold Tunnel Without Air Maximum Active Ingredients: 2884 ppm and 23.3% Acemannan* Multilayer HDPE2 bottle for maximum safety and conservation with 1-hole shutter valve and 100% recyclable Origin: 100% Aloe Barbadensis Miller + Canary Palm Honey Elaboration: 100% made in Canary Islands Health Food Registry: nº 21.25696/TF Not Pasteurized · No Dehydrated · No Freeze-Dried · No Added Water · No Flavorings · No Colorings · No Acrylamides · No Danthrones · No Hemodin · No Aloin (UE norm: Aloiina A+B < 1 p.p.m.)
Aloe Vera Juice Penca Zabila Juice 1 Liter 99,7%
Aloe Vera Juice 1 Liter Aloe Vera Pure Fresh Juice Content: 1 liter Pure Aloe Vera: 99.7% Fresh Aloe Leaves: 2.7 Kg. leaves per liter Aloe without Air: Integral Processing Cold Airless Tunnel Ecological Cultivation Maximum Active Principles: 2884 ppm · 23,3% Acemannane Health Food Registration: nº 21.25696 / TF No dehydrated powders, No Pasteurized, No Flavors, No Water Added, No Aloin HDPE 2 High Food Safety. 6-hole shutter bottle
Gift Basket Pure Aloe Vera Gel + Juice 2x300ml
Pure Aloe Vera Juice and Gel Gift Basket 2x 300ml: Give the gift of Health and Well-being! Give the gift of Pure Fresh Aloe Vera! Taking care of the health of your loved ones is the best of gifts. Carefully presented in a decorated wicker basket containing 1 fresh pure Aloe Vera Juice 300 ml + 1 fresh pure natural Aloe Gel 300 ml Aloe Juice and Gel in their different densities so you can enjoy the countless uses and benefits of this elixir of health and beauty. Aloe Vera extracted exclusively from the pulp of fresh premium organic aloe vera leaves from the Canary Islands, without dehydration, freeze-drying or pasteurization. Fresh pure aloe vera to enjoy the best of nature. Aloe in its purest form.
Canary Aloe Vera Juice - 900 ml - 3x2
OFFER TAKE 3 and PAY ONLY 2 PURE ALOE VERA PENCA ZÁBILA 99.7% in Drinkable JUICE 3x300 ml = 900 ml. Internal use The Best Aloe Vera in the World according to the German Spectral scientific laboratory in Cologne Fresh Aloe made with 2.43 Kg of fresh Aloe leaves from Aloe Barbadensis Miller Canariensis. Content: 99.7% Fresh Canarian Aloe. Processed: Integral In COLD TUNNEL WITHOUT AIR (exclusive PENCA ZABILA ® system). Certified Organic Farming Sanitary Registration No. 21.25696/TF. Pure Aloe Juice at 99.7% in 3 hermetic bottles of 300ml = 900ml with dispenser and anti-drip valve to guarantee its conservation as in the first moment of the extraction of the plant and keep its healing properties intact. The scientific analyzes carried out by the German laboratory Spectral S. Laboratorium fur Auftragsanalytik in Cologne on Aloe Vera PENCA ZÁBILA®. They qualify it as THE BEST ALOE VERA IN THE WORLD for having obtained 2884 p.p.m. of Aloeverasa, more than double the active healing ingredients than the rest. Likewise, the new scientific analyzes carried out by the Atlantic Medicine Center on the commercial juice of Aloe PENCA ZÁBILA®. have once again shown that with an Acemannan content of 23.3% of the total solids, we are faced with a unique and unusual concentration, which is why it is confirmed again that PENCA ZÁBILA® is The Best Aloe in the World, scientifically proven. The keys are found in the unique conditions of the production farms in Fasnia, southeast of Tenerife: High Altitude Volcanic Lands under El Teide, dominant Trade Winds, the influence of the Atlantic Sea and a unique Microclimate that have allowed, in combination with the most advanced manufacturing technology of the AIRLESS COLD TUNNEL, world exclusive PENCA ZÁBILA®, to create the best Aloe on the planet, Pure Aloe Vera PENCA ZÁBILA®. Our aloe PENCA ZABILA is FRESH CANARY ALOE Barbadensis Miller, ONLY ALOE IN PURE STATE, without pesticides, 100% ORGANIC and COLD PROCESSED WITHOUT AIR (world exclusive). The Aloe Vera crops of Penca Zábila are 100% Ecological as certified by the certificate. Mode of use: For internal use, it is recommended to consume 25 ml twice a day, on an empty stomach and before going to sleep, in its pure state or, failing that, diluted in water or in natural juices of pineapple, orange, papaya, mango, etc.
Aloe Vera Gel Penca Zabila 1 Liter 99,7%
Aloe Vera Gel 1000 ml Net content: 1000 ml Pure Aloe Vera Gel: 99.7% Fresh Aloe content: 2700 grams of fresh leaves Aloe Without Air: Integral processing in Air-Free Cold Tunnel Ecological Cultivation Maximum Active Principles: 2884 ppm · 23.3% Acemannane No Parabens, No Carbomers, No Parafins, No Colorants, No Pasteurized, No Dehydrated powders. Bottle HDPE 2, High Food Safety. 8 holes valve
5 Kg of Aloe Vera Organic Leaves Penca Zabila 7-10 y/o
5 KG OF CANARIAN ALOE VERA FRESH LEAVES BARBADENSIS MILLER CANARIENSIS (CANARIAN SUBSPECIES) +5 Kg net of Super Premium Organic Leaves of Aloe Vera of the Canary Islands of 700-800 grams each and 60 cm of length of 12-year-old mother plants. Cutted daily for maximum freshness
Canary Aloe Vera Penca Zabila Gel - 900 ml - 3x2
SPECIAL OFFER: TAKE 3 and PAY ONLY 2 PURE ORGANIC CANARY ALOE VERA GEL. 3x300 = 900 ml External application. Fresh Aloe: 2.430 g. of Fresh Aloe Leaf of Aloe Barbadensis Miller Canariensis Content: 99,7% Fresh Aloe Processing: Cold w/o AIR (Exclusive Penca Zabila Technology) Organic Farming CRAE 1928F. Health Registry nº: 21.25696/TF Pure Aloe Gel 99,7% in airtight container with spender and drip valve to ensure its preservation as the first moment of extraction of the plant and keep intact its healing properties. All Aloe Vera PENCA ZABILA products comes exclusively from the ORGANIC FARMING of their crops on Fasnia, Tenerife, as credited in the certificate of Organic Agriculture issued. The World Best Aloe Vera according to the German scientific laboratory analysis conducted by S. Spectral Laboratorium fur Auftragsanalytik of Cologne to Aloe Vera PENCA ZABILA, qualify it as THE WORLDS BEST ALOE VERA with 2884 ppm of Aloeverasa, more than double the healing active than the rest. The keys are in the unique conditions of production farms in southeast of Tenerife on Fasnia down the Teide, Volcanic Lands, High Altitude and dominant Alisios winds thar brings the influence of the Atlantic Ocean and a unique microclimate that have created the best of Aloe planet, the Aloe Vera Penca Zabila Our pure Aloe Vera is from Fresh Leaf of Canary Islands Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller Canariensis plants with Cold Procesed and 100% organic farming. Click to view the information and analysis extended: www.AloeMania.es - www.aloeislascanarias.com IF YOU ENJOY THE MANY BENEFITS OF ALOE FOR HEALTH CHECK THAT YOUR ALOE MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1º ALOE FRESH: Never buy products from aloe lyophilized because when dehydrated into a powder killed all of its properties. After mixing the powder with water aloe, Aloe is marketed as a good appearance, but it is "ALOE DEAD" and does not act, their health benefits are nonexistent. (With Dead Lyophilized Aloe produces more than 90 % of Aloe products sold in the market) 2° COLD PROCESSING: Order the guarantee that your aloe has been cold processed because the healing properties of Aloe are very volatile and it is vital that the INSTANT that PRODUCE removal is in a TUNNEL OF COLD AND will incorporate natural preservatives to retain all its curative potential, otherwise it will oxidize and lose its health benefits. 3º ORGANIC ALOE: Find your product has CRAE CERTIFIED (Organic Farming Control Board) with serial number, to ensure that NO PESTICIDES CONTAINED INTO. 4º ALOE PURE: Buy only products of pure aloe because ALOE only provide benefits if the concentration of over 90% of content in fresh aloe, any combination thereof in the form of creams or other products that are not pure aloe not NEVER offer the benefits of aloe (being a 100% natural its power is limited). 5º NEVER 100% ALOE: There arent 100% ALOE except in the plant, always is necessary to add % of preservatives because if it does not rot in a few days. Furthermore, the GEL requires thickeners. If your product shows 100% ALOE is a hoax. This practice of false advertising is unfortunately very common. These products do not usually reach 1% of real content in ALOE. Usage: Gel is for external use like any cosmetic product, applying a gentle massage on the skin until it is completely absorbed. External application to: Acne, antibacterial and regenerative properties of the skin. Stretch marks, blemishes and wrinkles of the skin as a great inhibitor of melanin and cell regenerator. Rheumatism, arthritis and arthritis, to be analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Psoriasis and eczema, the most effective and natural. Skin Cancer. Hair Loss. Anti-aging because it stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen compensating their loss with age. Rubella and Varicella Sunburn or by fire, excellent after sun. Rapidly decreases pain and blistering. Regenerated tissues. Cicatricrices decreases. Pores. Neck pain. Conjunctivitis and ear infections. Scars and wounds. Varices. Athletes foot, muscle aches and sprains. Asthma. TuCanarias is the exclusive wholesaler for Spain ALOE PENCA aloe, if you want to become a distributor of Aloe best in the world, please contact us.
Gift Basket Pure Aloe Vera Juices 3x 300ml
Gift Basket Pure Aloe Vera Juices 3x300ml: Give the gift of Health and Well-being! Give the gift of Pure Fresh Aloe Vera! Taking care of the health of your loved ones is the best of gifts. Delicate presentation in a decorated wicker basket containing 1 fresh pure Aloe Vera Juice 300 ml + 1 Aloe Vera Juice with Canary Indian Tuno 300 ml + Aloe Vera Juice with Palm Honey. Pure Aloe Vera Juice and two variants of Pure Aloe, one with Canarian Indian Tuno and another with Palm Honey from La Gomera, so you can enjoy the purest Aloe that exists and also two variants that enhance the properties and flavor of this elixir of health and beauty. Aloe Vera extracted exclusively from the pulp of fresh premium organic aloe vera leaves from the Canary Islands, without dehydration, freeze-drying or pasteurization. Fresh pure aloe vera to enjoy the best of nature. Aloe in its purest form.
Gift Basket Pure Aloe Vera 3 Juices + Gel 4x 300ml
Gift Basket Pure Aloe Vera Gel + 3 Juices 4x300ml: Give the gift of Health and Well-being! Give the gift of Pure Fresh Aloe Vera! Taking care of the health of your loved ones is the best of gifts. Delicate presentation in a decorated wicker basket containing 1 Pure Aloe Vera Gel + 1 Fresh Pure Aloe Vera Juice 300 ml + 1 Aloe Vera Juice with Canary Indian Tuno 300 ml + Aloe Vera Juice with Palm Honey. Gel, Pure Aloe Vera Juice and two variants of Pure Aloe, one with Canarian Indian Tuno and another with Palm Honey from La Gomera, so you can enjoy the purest Aloe that exists in its two densities, Gel and Juice and in addition to two other variants of Pure Juice that enhance the properties and flavor of this elixir of health and beauty. Aloe Vera extracted exclusively from the pulp of fresh premium organic aloe vera leaves from the Canary Islands, without dehydration, freeze-drying or pasteurization. Fresh pure aloe vera to enjoy the best of nature. Aloe in its purest form.
Aloe Vera Juice Take 5 LITERS Pay Only 4
SPECIAL OFFER: TAKE 5 LITERS AND PAY ONLY 4 ORGANIC PURE CANARY ALOE VERA JUICE - 5 LITERS The Best Aloe Vera in the World according to the German Spectral scientific laboratory in Cologne. 5 UNITS of 1 LITER of PURE ALOE VERA JUICE at 99.7% will be supplied. Fresh Aloe made with 13.5 Kg of fresh Aloe leaves from Aloe Barbadensis Miller Canariensis. Content: 99.7% Fresh Canarian Aloe. Processed: Integral In COLD TUNNEL WITHOUT AIR (exclusive PENCA ZABILA ® system). Certified Organic Farming Pure Aloe in JUICE at 99.7% in 5 containers of 1 Liter with reducing nozzle. The scientific analyzes carried out by the German laboratory Spectral S. Laboratorium fur Auftragsanalytik in Cologne on Aloe Vera PENCA ZÁBILA®. They qualify it as THE BEST ALOE VERA IN THE WORLD for having obtained 2884 p.p.m. of Aloeverasa, more than double the active healing ingredients than the rest. Likewise, the new scientific analyzes carried out by the Atlantic Medicine Center on the commercial juice of Aloe PENCA ZÁBILA®. have once again shown that with an Acemannan content of 23.3% of the total solids, we are faced with a unique and unusual concentration, which is why it is confirmed again that PENCA ZÁBILA® is The Best Aloe in the World, scientifically proven. The keys are found in the unique conditions of the production farms in Fasnia, southeast of Tenerife: High Altitude Volcanic Lands under El Teide, dominant Trade Winds, the influence of the Atlantic Sea and a unique Microclimate that have allowed, in combination with the most advanced manufacturing technology of the AIRLESS COLD TUNNEL, world exclusive PENCA ZÁBILA®, to create the best Aloe on the planet, Pure Aloe Vera PENCA ZÁBILA®. Our aloe PENCA ZABILA is FRESH CANARY ALOE Barbadensis Miller, ONLY ALOE IN PURE STATE, without pesticides, 100% ORGANIC and COLD PROCESSED WITHOUT AIR (world exclusive). The Aloe Vera crops of Penca Zábila are 100% Ecological. How to use: For internal use, it is recommended to consume 20-25 ml twice a day, on an empty stomach and before going to sleep, in its pure state or, failing that, diluted in water or in natural juices of pineapple, orange, papaya, mango, etc. PENCA ZÁBILA ® produces only Fresh, Pure and Natural ALOE
Aloe Vera Gel Take 5 LITERS Pay Only 4
SPECIAL OFFER: TAKE 5 LITERS & PAY ONLY 4 CANARIAN PURE ECOLOGIC ALOE VERA GEL - 5 LITER The World Best Aloe Vera according to the German Scientist Laboratory of Spectral in Koln. 5 units of 1 liter of pure ALOE GEL 99,7% The scientific analysis made to our ALOE PURE, FRESH, 100% CANARY ISLANDS and COLD PROCESS, by the Spectral S. Laboratorium fur Auftragsanalytik of Cologne in Germany qualify as THE WORLDS BEST ALOE VERA with 2884 ppm Aloeverasa, more than twice as active as the rest healing. The keys are in the unique conditions of production farms in Fasnia southeast of Tenerifes volcanic soil under the High Altitude Teide, Trade Winds dominant influence of the Atlantic Ocean and a unique microclimate that have created the best of Aloe planet, Penca Pure Aloe Vera Aloe Vera. Our aloe aloe is 100% CULTIVATED AND PROCESED in CANARY ISLANDS from FRESH ALOE Barbadensis Miller, JUST PURE & 100% ECOLOGIC ALOE pesticide freeand COLD PROCESS. Click here for the analysis and information EXPANDED: www.AloeMania.es | www.AloeIslasCanarias.com | www.PencaZabila.net IF YOU WANT TO ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF ALOE COUNTLESS FOR YOUR HEALTH MAKE SURE THAT YOUR ALOE meets the following requirements: 1º Whether it is ALOE FRESH: Never buy products from aloe ALOE as freeze-drying the dried and powdered die all their properties. Then it is mixed with water and sold as ALOE, with good looks, but it is "ALOE DEAD" and does not act, their health benefits are unknown, it is a placebo. (With Aloe Lyophilized death occurs 98% of Aloe products that are traded in the market) 2º ALOE cold process: Ask for a guarantee that your aloe has been cold processed because the healing properties of Aloe are very volatile and it is crucial that at the same instant that his EXTRACTION PRODUCE is in a COLD AND TUNNEL you incorporate natural preservatives to retain all its healing potential, otherwise oxidize and lose the health benefits. 3º Buy ECOLOGIC ALOE: Find your product has the sticker CRAE (Organic Farming Control Board) with SERIAL NUMBER which guarantees that your ALOE HAS NO PESTICIDES, this label is visible to the naked eye. 4º PURE ALOE: Buy only pure aloe products because ALOE only give benefits if the concentration of over 90% content of FRESH ALOE any product blended in cream or other products that are not PURE ALOE not NEVER offer the benefits of aloe as being a natural product its power is limited and makes it safe dilution. 5º Do not buy items which would indicate 100% ALOE: THERE 100% ALOE it is always necessary to add a% of preservatives because if it does not rot in a few days. Additionally, GEL requires thickeners. If your product shows 100% ALOE is a hoax. This practice of false advertising is very common unfortunately. These products do not usually reach 1% of its actual content in ALOE.
Aloe Vera pure Juice 22 Liter BaginBox Valve
Pure Fresh Aloe Vera Juice 22 Liters BaginBox: Security Box with precision Valve and Aluminium bag Aloe Vera Pure Fresh Natural JUICE from the Canary Islands, made exclusively with fresh leaf pulp from 20+ year old mother plants. Net Content: 22 liters Pure Aloe: 99.7% Aloe Leaves Content: Made with 59 Kilos of fresh leaves Aloe without Air: Cold Tunnel Processed WITHOUT AIR Ecological cultivation Maximum Active Ingredients: 2884 ppm and 23.3% Acemanan Food Health Registry Bag in Box Packaging: Safe · Aluminum bag and Vitop dosing valve. Not Pasteurized · No Dehydrated · No Lyophilized · No Parfums · No Colorants · No added water · No Acrylamides · No Aloin
Aloe Vera Gel 22 Liter BaginBox Valve
Pure Fresh Aloe Vera GEL 22 Liters BaginBox: Security Box with precision Valve and Aluminium bag Aloe Vera Pure Fresh Natural GEL from the Canary Islands, made exclusively with fresh leaf pulp from 20+ year old mother plants. Net Content: 22 liters Pure Aloe: 99.7% Aloe Leaves Content: Made with 59 Kilos of fresh leaves Aloe without Air: Cold Tunnel Processed WITHOUT AIR Ecological cultivation Maximum Active Ingredients: 2884 ppm and 23.3% Acemanan Food Health Registry Bag in Box Packaging: Safe · Aluminum bag and Vitop dosing valve. Not Pasteurized · No Dehydrated · No Lyophilized · No Parfums · No Colorants · No added water · No Acrylamides · NO ALOIN · No Paraffins · No Parabens · No Carbomers